About Catholic School Trustees

Trustees perform an important and valued role in education. Among other duties, they oversee the development of policies and procedures that guide the Board in its operation and help establish budgets for the Board to operate within.

Our trustees are elected by English separate school supporters to provide the public with representation in the critical job of educating children. The election is governed by the province of Ontario. Trustees are elected during municipal elections, which with recent changes to legislation, means there will be an election every four years. 

The Chair and the Vice-Chair of the Board are elected annually at the Inaugural or Initial meeting of the Board, usually held in the first week of December, and serve a one-year term of office.

If you have any questions about Catholic School Trustees at the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board, please contact Kelly Hitchman-Powers, Coordinator of Trustee Services, by calling (705) 722-3555 ext. 265 or e-mailing [email protected]

What Qualifications Do Catholic School Trustees Require?

According to the Education Act a candidate must hold and retain the following qualifications:

  • A Canadian citizen

  • A Roman Catholic

  • 18 years of age or older

  • A resident within the jurisdiction of the Board

  • Must be a supporter of the Board – see our Tax Designation Form

  • Not an employee of any district school board or school authority in Ontario

  • Cannot be a clerk, deputy clerk, treasurer or deputy treasurer of a municipality within the jurisdiction of the Board

  • Cannot be a Senator, MP or MPP

  • Cannot otherwise be disqualified from office

What is the Role of a Catholic School Trustee?

Trustees perform an important and valued role in education. Among other duties, they oversee the development of policies and procedures that guide the Board in its operation and help establish budgets for the Board to operate within. Our trustees know about the complex world of education and are familiar with Ministry of Education legislation.

In addition, our trustees have the added responsibility of furthering the mission of Catholic education and the broader mission of the Catholic Church.

"For the Catholic trustee, the Church's mission to proclaim, teach and bear witness to the Gospel finds its particular expression in the mission of the Catholic school. And the mission of the Catholic school is to evangelize youth so that they will become not only well-developed persons and good citizens, but also faithful disciples of Christ and witnesses to the faith." Catholic Trustees: Advocates, Guardians and Stewards of Catholic Education (Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association)

Our trustees are elected by English separate school supporters to provide the public with representation in the critical job of educating children. Take a look at our Supporting Catholic Education
 link to find out more about designating your support so you can vote for your Catholic trustee and make Catholic education count. There is no doubt that our trustees make a tremendous contribution and commitment to the success of Catholic education in the various school communities they serve.

What are the Responsibilites of a Catholic School Trustee?

Our Catholic trustees have responsibilities that are distinct. They work to further the mission of the Catholic Church and Catholic education in the following ways:

  • Acting as a witness to our faith
  • Understanding the purpose, history, and distinctive contribution of Catholic education in Ontario 
  •  Promoting, protecting and advocating for Catholic education
  •  Articulating the system's Catholic mission and vision
  •  Providing governance and policies inspired by the values and traditions of the Catholic faith and the principles of democratic and accountable governance
  •  Appointing, holding accountable and supporting the Director of Education who is an authentic and effective Catholic leader
  •  Ensuring that administrative structures, operational procedures and employee practices reflect the Board mission and vision
  • Providing Christian stewardship of human and financial resources
  • Establishing authentic religious education programming and faith formation activities for students
  • Establishing a climate supportive of faith community
  • Monitoring student realization of the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations
  • Monitoring the implementation and realization of the Board's mission and vision
  • Building significant partnerships within and beyond the Catholic community in support of Catholic education

    These responsibilities are outlined in more detail in the booklets Our Catholic Trustees - Stewards of Faith and  Catholic Trustees:  Advocates, Guardians & Stewards of Catholic Education.

What is the Catholic School Trustee Code of Conduct?

For information on the code of conduct of Catholic School Trustees, see the policy below:

GP-23 Catholic School Trustee Code of Conduct