Getting to Know Us

With 53 schools, approximately 24,000 students and 4,800 employees, we are a faith community bound together by our beliefs. Our schools are located in some of the most beautiful natural settings in the province. Our Board encompasses a large and dynamic region
serving small towns, rural areas and urban centers. 

From Bradford West Gwillimbury to Huntsville and from Collingwood to Brechin, we are a community focused on enhancing the educational and spiritual development of students. We offer excellent programs, resources and supports so that students are provided with every opportunity to reach their future goals and aspirations.

Our Catholic Learning Communities

Each of our Catholic schools is a faith community. As a community, we share the goal of providing a complete and distinctive learning experience that integrates our faith values and spiritual formation into academic programming.  Our Catholic teachings remain the center of the learning journey for students in our classrooms.

You can feel and witness our Catholic identity when you walk into one of our schools or speak to our staff and students. Our distinctiveness is reflected in tangible ways through liturgies, religious images or social justice activities, as examples. It is also reflected in less obvious ways, through how our faith is lived in all interactions within our schools.