Mental Health & Well-Being: Information and Resources
Positive Mental Health is “the capacity of each and all of us to feel, think, and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with the challenges we face. It is a positive sense of emotional and spiritual well-being that respects the importance of culture, equity, social justice, interconnections, and personal dignity” (Public Health Agency of Canada).
There may be times when we feel overwhelmed with stress, feel sad and down, or are irritable and quick to anger. Sometimes we don't feel quite like ourselves, and it can be challenging to get back to feelings of well-being.
At SMCDSB we recognize that mental health and well-being are important for learning. Psychological Services staff provide a range of supports to help students with their well-being. Our team includes School Counsellors, School Counsellors supporting First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Students, Child and Youth Care Workers, Psychoeducational Consultants, Psychologists and Psychological Associates. The first step is always to work together with the school team to support a student’s well-being.
In elementary schools, a referral for support is made by the school team. At secondary schools, referrals are usually made by staff in the guidance department. Our school teams and Psychological Services staff also work together with many community mental health partners to provide support to students and families.
You may find it helpful to listen to SMCDSB's very own Beyond the Bell Podcast, which has 20-minute episodes focused on various topics related to student well-being. You may also find answers and support by looking into the other community resources, links, and handouts in the tabs below or to the left of the page.
Mental Health Consultation Request Form
If you have concerns about your child's mental health and would like to speak with our mental health staff, please complete and submit using the link above. One of our mental health staff will contact you to confirm details and then work with the school team to provide consultation or resources to support your child.
Please check out the resources below: