Beginning September 8, 2014, all elementary schools in our board will be using front door intercom and video technology to manage visitor access into the school facility.
This is part of the Ministry of Education’s Safe Welcome Program which is aimed at providing enhanced security, better monitor who is visiting our schools and to ensure that all visitors sign in at the main office.
The intention of the program is for all elementary schools in Ontario to have doors locked throughout the school day. This means that students who are late for school or return to school after an appointment will be buzzed in through the main entrance.
We recognize that it may take some time for students, staff and families to become accustomed to this security enhancement. We ask parents and students to be patient while waiting for office staff to buzz them into the school – especially as we transition to this new system.
There are many times throughout the course of the school day when our office staff is handling many competing priorities. By ensuring that students arrive to school on time with all of their necessary items, such as lunch and homework, we can limit the amount of front-office interruptions. If the need arises for you to visit the school through out the school day, please be assured that staff will respond as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We are all united in our goal to make school communities as safe and secure as possible for our students and staff. Please visit your school website to find out more details about how the Safe Welcome Program will be implemented at your school.