Programs and Support for English Language Learners

Programs and Support for ELLs

International language programs are available to elementary students on Saturday mornings.

ministry of ontario    
All students are encouraged to continue reading and writing in their first language while they develop their English language skills. Students can visit the local library to borrow books in their first language.  Books in a wide variety of languages can be ordered by any public library from other libraries in the province.  Visit the Ontario Public Libraries List to find a library in your community.

step assessment tool

Students in grades 1-12 who speak a language other than English at home and are new to our schools will complete an Initial Language Assessment and sometimes a mathematics assessment.  Students who were assessed in another Ontario school, are usually not assessed again.
growing success  Teachers may provide a variety of accommodations for English language learners as they develop English language proficiency.

Students in grades 1-12 and who are at the beginning stages of learning English may require modifications of some or all of the curriculum expectations.  The ESL/ELD box is checked to indicate modifications to curriculum have been made by the teacher.
Growing Success - Assessment, Evaluation, and  Reporting in Ontario Schools, 2010. p. 76-78