Written by Ashley Fortin, Student Journalist
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” - Matthew 7:12 (ESV)
The life of a student can be overwhelming at times; students must manage grades, perhaps a job or sports, as well as a variety of other commitments that can leave anyone needing words of encouragement.
The theme for this year’s Bullying Prevention Week in the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board (SMCDSB) was #Calledtobekind, and students at St. Dominic Catholic Secondary School (DOM) in Bracebridge are now able to post kind messages on this board for friends needing a brighter day.
The board at DOM is covered with post-it notes in all the colours of the rainbow with different messages - “You are so smart”, “Keep trying”, and “Everything happens for a reason.” All of these notes are for students to take when they need a kind word.
Each student who passes the board, located by the library, can either take a word of encouragement or leave a word of encouragement - all motivations are anonymous. This great idea came from the SMCDSB Student Senate - a board initiative with representatives from each secondary school that meet regularly to discuss student issues - to unite all the schools within the board for kindness week, with similar activities happening at each SMCDSB high school.
The concept of the board not only spreads kindness throughout DOM, but aims to spread the kindness message and the theme for Bullying Prevention week at the SMCDSB: Called to Be Kind. Anna S., student trustee and DOM student said, “With this board, the student senate aims to promote the concept of kindness week - plainly to be kind to others and at the same time unite all the schools in our board.”
The board united both the SMCDSB and DOM in a way that students will hopefully always remember. At DOM, messages are rarely on the board for multiple days - students have been leaving and taking messages frequently. Encouragement goes a long way, and students understand what other students are going through. Kindness spreads, answer your call to be kind.