Written by Christine Stornelli, Student Journalist
On Friday, November 22nd, the St.Thomas Aquinas (STA) Stingers held their annual charity hockey game against the Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.) All donations that were collected from tickets, hot chocolate, and food sales were given to St.Vincent de Paul. St.Vincent de Paul is a Catholic organization with volunteers who help people in need whether they are in hospitals, prisons, shelters, on the streets, or in their homes. Donations are used to provide emergency assistance and rehabilitation for anyone who has suffered from disasters, finances, health issues, education and so much more.
STA’s Social Justice group worked very hard to prepare for the event by scheduling the match, advertising around the school with posters and announcements, setting up and taking down the event, as well as volunteering their time to sell food, drinks, and tickets.
The students who participated in the hockey game also made their best effort to get ready with the time they had to prepare for the game. STA student, Matteo G., who played as the goalie for the O.P.P. says, “the environment was great fun to play in. STA and the police played really well against each other, the scores were really close”. It all paid off in the end when the Stingers beat the O.P.P. and raised a total of $1500 for St.Vincent de Paul!
“The game was actually a lot of fun! The money went to a good cause and the hot chocolate was amazing!” Michael V. exclaimed. STA’s student body appreciates all of the time and effort that made this event such a big success. We would like to thank the Social Justice club, the hockey team, the O.P.P., Nolan R., who sang O’Canada, and the teachers who volunteered their time to coach and referee the game. Go Stingers!