Written by Hayley Apted and Brady Lorenz, Student Journalists
Over lunch on Wednesday, November 20th, students at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School came together to write positive messages on posters which are now displayed in the school’s cafeteria.
“Called to Be Our Story” is the theme for 2019 at our board. This encompasses the Catholic lifestyle, embracing and welcoming faith into life, and spreading the goodness that comes from this to our communities. “Called to be Kind” was the first message written on the poster; reflecting the year’s theme and emphasizing the most important part of the Catholic story: kindness.
The project was set up in the cafeteria over one lunch period, overseen by the school’s Social Justice team. A blank poster was left on a table at the front of the room with chalk next to it, inviting everyone to write or draw whatever they wanted, following the “Called to be Kind” example. The response was beautiful: groups of teenagers crowded around the table, chalk on their hands, writing notes of love and encouragement to each other.
Many left signatures, drawings of hearts, and smiley faces. One Grade 11 even spent time carefully drawing fruits, then came up with a pun or wordplay for each. Imagine a drawing of a slice of watermelon accompanied by the words “You’re one in a ‘melon’”, and a raspberry with “You are ‘berry’ great” written next to it!
Creative or simple, everything left on the posters brought a little more positivity to the school, and grew our community that much more. The school was ‘called to be kind’, and they truly were. It’s just one of the reasons why we love being students at St. Joe’s!