Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

We develop our special education programs based on a philosophy of inclusion. We work hard so that students with exceptional needs can fully participate in the activities of the school and be active members of their class.

We also recognize that there are many committed and skilled individuals in the community that can assist us with developing special education programs that meet the learning needs of students in an inclusive environment. That is why we value the opportunity to work with our Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) to help establish special education programs and services for exceptional students.

For more information, please access our SMCDSB SEAC Brochure and visit Ministry of Education - SEAC.

Monthly Meetings

The SEAC of the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board holds monthly public meetings during the school year.  Meetings are typically held on a Wednesday and begin at 5:30pm.  SEAC meetings are held in person with an option for members to attend virtually if needed.  As of April 20, 2021 our SEAC meetings are livestreamed.  The livestream link can be found the day of each SEAC meeting on the calendar entry in the meeting schedule linked below.  For more information on our monthly meetings, please see the meeting schedule and  agendas and minutes.

Members of the SMCDSB Special Education Advisory Committee

SEAC membership includes two school board trustees, board staff representatives and up to 12 members nominated by local associations of parents.

The members of SEAC have a strong interest in assisting parents who may have children with special needs or abilities.  SEAC members make presentations at school council meetings for parents and/or professional development days for teachers. They also make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding special education programs and services. 

The following is a list of the current members of our SEAC:

SEAC Representative


Carmela Diano, SEAC Vice Chair      

Autism Ontario Simcoe County

Jennifer Emmerson

Candlelighters Simcoe, Parents of Children with Cancer 

Connie Gray
Luke Mione (Alternate)

 Learning Disabilities Association of York-Simcoe (LDAYS)

Mary Ella Osmok
Carolyn Walsh (Alternate)

Catulpa Community Support Services

Theresa Sanders, SEAC Chair

Easter Seals Ontario

Stephanie Saunders

Down Syndrome Association of Simcoe County

 Brianne Whiteside

Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions

SMCDSB - Board Representative

Michael D'Amelio, Trustee
Susan van Amelsvoort, Trustee
Maria Hardie, Board Chair, Ex-Officio
Joshua Boutotte, (Alternate Trustee)
Shawn Cooper, (Alternate Trustee)

SMCDSB - Board Resource

Lonnie Bolton, Superintendent of Student Services
Graziano Vavala, Assistant to the Superintendent, Special Education
Sandra Fujioka, Executive Assistant - [email protected]