Georgian West Area

The Georgian West Essa Base Borden Accommodation Review is now complete and accommodation decisions have been made.  Please refer to the "Notices" section for the Final Notice of Decision - June 25, 2010.

Ministry of Education funding approval has been received for the addition to Our Lady of Grace Catholic School.

You can read an update sent out to the school communities from the Superintendents of Schools Project Update and Transition Plans - letter to community.pdf.

At the regular Board meeting of  June 17, 2009, the Board of Trustees approved the following recommendation:

"That the Board approve the formation of a Pupil Accommodation Committee for the Georgian West / Angus / Borden Elementary Schools which include; Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic School, St. Mary's Catholic School Collingwood, St. Noel Chabanel Catholic School, Our Lady of Grace Catholic School, and Prince of Peace Catholic School.

The Board's Pupil Accommodation Review Policies and Procedures LE-14 prescribe the study process that the Georgian West Area review will follow, and is based on the Ministry of Education's Guidelines.